MediaWiki API help
This is an auto-generated MediaWiki API documentation page.
Documentation and examples:
- This module requires read rights.
- Source: Page Forms
- License: GPL-2.0-or-later
Autocompletion used by the Page Forms extension.
- limit
A limit on the number of results returned
- Type: integer or max
- The value must be between 1 and 500.
- Default: 10
- substr
The substring to autocomplete on
- property
A Semantic MediaWiki property whose values will be autocompleted on
- category
A category whose pages will be autocompleted on
- concept
A Semantic MediaWiki "concept" whose pages will be autocompleted on
- wikidata
Search string for getting values from Wikidata
- semantic_query
A Semantic MediaWiki query whose results will be autocompleted on
- cargo_table
A database table, defined by the Cargo extension, whose values will be autocompleted on
- cargo_field
The field of the Cargo table whose values will be autocompleted on
- cargo_where
A filter to apply, if the cargo_table and cargo_field parameters are set
- namespace
A namespace whose pages will be autocompleted on
- external_url
An alias for an external URL from which to get values
- baseprop
A previous Semantic MediaWiki property in the form to check against
- base_cargo_table
The Cargo table for a previous field in the form to check against
- base_cargo_field
The Cargo field for a previous field in the form to check against
- basevalue
The value to check for the previous property or field
- usedisplaytitle
(no description)