Associated New Zealand ME Society

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ANZMES is the National Advisory on ME (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis also known as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). Founded in 1980, Associated New Zealand Myalgic Encephalomyelitis Society (ANZMES) was the first of its kind in the world and we have been pioneering change for 43 years through our world renowned medical advisors, network of researchers, community expertise, and lived experience

What we do[edit | edit source]

  • Support / Tautoko - Helping people with ME/CFS, their carers, and whānau.
  • Educate / Whakaako - Educating through evidence-based information about ME/CFS.
  • Represent / Kanohi kitea - Giving people with ME/CFS a voice and taking action for them.
  • Research / Rangahau - Encouraging new research to help understand and treat ME/CFS.
  • Produce a quarterly magazine ‘Meeting Place’, informing members of the latest news, events and research pertaining to CFS/ME.
  • Procuring political support for the ME cause with the aim of bettering conditions for ME patients.
  • Facilitating communication between sufferers of the condition.
  • Act as a respected national and international ‘voice’ on ME matters.
  • Updating healthcare providers on the latest advances regarding this condition.
  • Co-ordinating and fostering the growth of local support groups throughout the country.
  • Providing information and resources to individuals and groups as required.
  • Long COVID support - ANZMES also includes long COVID in our services due to the overlap in diagnosis, symptoms, and management (as post viral condition) and the need for support.

Vision[edit | edit source]

Our vision is a world where ME/CFS is recognised and supported. This vision focuses our mission to improve outcomes for people with ME/CFS by informing best practice in healthcare, legislation, and service provision, as the trusted leader in education, representation, and research. This vision and mission drives our purpose as the leading national advisory that produces quality, reputable, authoritative, evidence-based information to ensure that health professionals are completely informed of best practice for the appropriate, patient-centred care of people with ME/CFS; and that accessible service, funding, and legislation is in place to support the needs of those with ME/CFS and their carers.

Notable people[edit | edit source]

  • Dr. Rosamund Vallings - Medical Advisor
  • Dr. Sarah Dalziel - Medical Advisor
  • Professor Warren Tate - Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Otago, academic researcher, advocate for mecfs

Petition to reclassify MECFS as a disability[edit | edit source]

  • ANZMES petition to reclassify MECFS as a disability/ - The ANZMES petition to reclassify ME/CFS as a disability was read in parliament at 2pm Tuesday 20th September 2022. It is now with the select committee, and ANZMES will provide a written submission to the committee before the deadline of 7th October.
  • On September 20, 2022 ANZMES petition was presented to parliament calling for the reclassification of ME/CFS from a chronic illness to a disability, with 6,444 signatures. On May 3 2023 we provided an oral submission to the Health Select Committee (which followed our written submission presented in October 2022). You can watch the oral submission here.

History[edit | edit source]

ANZMES has been serving New Zealanders since 1980.

Online presence[edit | edit source]

Resources[edit | edit source]

Membership[edit | edit source]

To join - ANZMES Membership form