File talk:BH2020.jpg

From MEpedia

license? -- ~Njt (talk) 16:42, September 2, 2020 (UTC)[edit source | reply | new]

Hi. Thanks for uploading this. Do you have the license information and the original source (link it came from)? Most photos of people will be either "fair usage" or "used with permission" if you either took the photo or have an email from the person who did stating it can be used. If it is fair usage then it should be resized to be a lower quality image eg 250px /320px wide. Using Special:Upload in future allows you to choose a license rather than adding the licensing info template and source after. User:Usrname. ~Njt (talk) 16:42, September 2, 2020 (UTC)

Re: license? -- Usrname (talk) 14:20, September 9, 2020 (UTC)[edit source | reply | new]

Replace this text with your reply

Hi, thank you for this. The photo is to be "used with permission" and can be seen at

I have tried, but failed, to add the license info and source to the file. Do I need to re-upload using Special:Upload?