Science for Patients

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(Redirected from Wetenschap voor Patiënten)

Wetenschap voor Patiënten (Science for Patients) is the title of several projects of Dutch patient organizations, including the ME Vereniging Nederland and the ME/cvs Vereniging. It was initiated by Guido den Broeder.

The ME Vereniging Nederland produced long interviews with Dutch experts, like Ruud Vermeulen and René Tisscher, and included presentations from the association's national information days. The project, which is still open, is carried out by the Stichting ME Research.[1]

The ME/cvs Vereniging created a large number of short video interviews with international doctors and researchers in bite-sized segments focused on specific subjects. Examples of their interview subjects are Lucinda Bateman, Julia Newton and Alan Light. A full list of videos is available on their website.[2]

Online presence[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]