Breakspear Medical

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Breakspear Medical (previously called the Breakspear Hospital) is a private medical clinic in Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, just outside London, in the United Kingdom. It was founded by Doctor Jean Monro.

Controversies[edit | edit source]

2012 General Medical Council complaint against Jean Monro[edit | edit source]

In 2012 the General Medical Council that oversees professional standards for doctors ruled against Jean Monro regarding her treatment of a patient using chelation therapy.[1] The ruling stated:

In April 2009, Dr Monro advised HB that he should embark on a program of chelation therapy to remove lead from his body. She did not measure HB’s blood lead concentration, refer him to a specialist in toxicology or lead poisoning or seek the advice of the National Poisons Information Service. Further, Dr Monro did not explain to HB or his GP that the DMSA challenge test alone has no demonstrated benefit in the diagnosis of lead toxicity compared with analysis of HB’s blood lead concentration or that the challenge test had been performed using a substantially greater dose of DMSA than was either necessary or appropriate. In addition, she did not advise HB or his GP of the possible complications from chelation therapy. Her recommendation that HB should embark on a program of chelation therapy was made despite a provoked urine sample alone not being an appropriate test upon which to base a diagnosis of lead poisoning or toxicity; made despite her not having specialist training or expertise in clinical toxicology or in the investigation and treatment of lead poisoning; based on inadequate evidence; and potentially harmful to HB. The Panel has found that her conduct in this regard was not in HB’s best interests. This conduct and behaviour does not meet the standards required of a registered medical practitioner and breaches provisions of Good Medical Practice. It is misconduct which undermines the public’s confidence in the profession and risks bringing the profession into disrepute. The required standards are set out in Good Medical Practice (November 2006), namely, paragraphs 2 and 3. Whilst this misconduct in itself is not so serious as to require any restriction on Dr Monro’s registration, it is necessary in response to issue this formal warning.

Further, Dr Monro must not carry out any procedures which are inconsistent with the unequivocal guarantee that she has publicly given to this Panel, namely pre and post urine challenge testing and chelation therapy. Failure to comply with her guarantee may be regarded in its own right as giving rise to an allegation of further misconduct.

2012 Advertising Standards Authority ruling[edit | edit source]

In 2012 the British Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) that regulates advertising ruled against Breakspear Medical for claiming chelation therapy was an effective treatment for patients with various diseases including chronic fatigue syndrome. The ASAc stated:[2][3]

With regard to the claim to treat chronic fatigue syndrome, Breakspear provided us with a paper on a chelating treatment called D-Penicillamine. We also noted Breakspear's argument that there had been some research which had indicated that there was an association between heavy metal exposure and chronic fatigue syndrome. However, we did not see in the paper a direct link between chelation therapy and the effective treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Breakspear also provided us with a paper on the link between mercury toxicity and a range of conditions, including chronic fatigue syndrome. We noted however that where DMSA chelation therapy had been used exclusively to treat chronic fatigue syndrome by removing mercury from the body, no effect was demonstrated and we therefore did not consider that this part of the claim was substantiated.[3] — Advertising Standards Authority (2022)

2004 Sacking of doctor for vaccination mistake[edit | edit source]

In 2004 Dr Michael Wetzler was sacked by Breakspear Medical after admitting giving the rubella vaccine to a child patient instead of the intended measles vaccine.[4] He was suspended for two months by the General Medical Council.

1998 General Medicine Council complaint regarding "dishonest" CV[edit | edit source]

In 1998 the General Medical Council became aware of an accusation that Doctor Monro had made false statements on her CV, claiming she had held positions at five hospitals that she had not held.[5] The GMC wrote to her recommending she amend her CV, stating:

Your CV can be interpreted as implying that you were appointed by each hospital to run a department within that hospital. Such an implication is clearly without foundation.

1990 World in Action TV episode "The Allergy Business"[edit | edit source]

In 1990 British TV channel ITV aired an episode of the current affairs show World in Action entitled "The Allergy Business" which was critical of Doctor Jean Monro.[6] She took legal action and won.<REFERENCE NEEDED>

Notable people[edit | edit source]

Talks and interviews[edit | edit source]

Online presence[edit | edit source]

Learn more[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  2. The Breakspear Hospital and Jean Monro v the ASA and the GMC
  3. 3.0 3.1 "ASA Ruling on Breakspear Medical Group Ltd". Advertising Standards Authority. May 16, 2012. Retrieved June 6, 2022. With regard to the claim to treat chronic fatigue syndrome, Breakspear provided us with a paper on a chelating treatment called D-Penicillamine. We also noted Breakspear's argument that there had been some research which had indicated that there was an association between heavy metal exposure and chronic fatigue syndrome. However, we did not see in the paper a direct link between chelation therapy and the effective treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome. Breakspear also provided us with a paper on the link between mercury toxicity and a range of conditions, including chronic fatigue syndrome. We noted however that where DMSA chelation therapy had been used exclusively to treat chronic fatigue syndrome by removing mercury from the body, no effect was demonstrated and we therefore did not consider that this part of the claim was substantiated.
  4. 'Wrong vaccine' doctor suspended
  5. Director of private hospital is cleared of falsely claiming NHS employment
  6. IMDb - World in Action - The Allergy Business]