From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
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This category is for media licensed as Public Domain - see Creative Commons Zero 1.0 (no copyright):
Files are placed in and removed from this category by placing the template {{ CC-zero }} {{CC-zero}} on or removing it from the files' description pages. Do not add files to this category manually. |
This category contains 58 files which is 3.91% of all 1,485 files in MEpedia.
Media in category "CC-Zero"
The following 58 files are in this category, out of 58 total.
Abnormal findings in Chronic fatigue syndrome.png 600 × 475; 48 KB
Add-image.jpg 499 × 354; 20 KB
ADP.png 320 × 167; 41 KB
Age and Gender distribution.png 539 × 373; 133 KB
Ambox important.svg 40 × 40; 7 KB
Ambox warning orange.svg 378 × 326; 9 KB
Ambox warning yellow.svg 386 × 334; 2 KB
Autonomic Nervous System.jpg 1,013 × 1,015; 288 KB
Black-padlock.svg 20 × 20; 177 bytes
Cancel symbol.svg 375 × 375; 3 KB
CFS-UK-1.png 542 × 632; 39 KB
CFS-UK-2.png 545 × 614; 136 KB
CFS-UK-3.png 534 × 673; 149 KB
CFS-UK-4.png 548 × 673; 315 KB
Citationneededbanner1.jpg 300 × 166; 17 KB
Citationneededdark.jpg 300 × 172; 16 KB
Cosmeticsbottles.jpg 640 × 433; 68 KB
COVID-19 vaccine immunocompromised.jpg 600 × 600; 149 KB
COVID-19 vaccine side effects.jpeg 850 × 889; 246 KB
CytokinesThelpercelllineages.png 773 × 530; 148 KB
Dialog-warning.svg 48 × 48; 1 KB
Duloxetine20mg.jpg 1,946 × 1,345; 413 KB
Enterovirus Virion.jpg 1,296 × 1,271; 775 KB
Fibro Tender Points.png 220 × 315; 32 KB
FM-Pressure Pain Pattern.jpg 433 × 600; 85 KB
Ginger-1.jpg 400 × 438; 40 KB
Ginger-2.jpg 450 × 450; 53 KB
Heart-white.png 959 × 1,421; 1.04 MB
Heidi Blair Anchorage Alaska.jpg 1,080 × 1,080; 151 KB
Household-chemicals.jpg 450 × 550; 28 KB
Increasingvalueschart-gradedexercise.png 1,280 × 853; 53 KB
Influenza Vaccine.jpg 413 × 599; 37 KB
Information icon4.svg 620 × 620; 1 KB
InterferonCytokinesLoops.png 465 × 263; 13 KB
Lock-blue-alt-2.svg 512 × 813; 516 bytes
Lock-red-alt.svg 512 × 813; 386 bytes
Long-COVID-1in10.jpg 800 × 850; 103 KB
Long-COVID.jpg 250 × 180; 15 KB
Magnifying glass icon mgx2.svg 286 × 280; 45 KB
ME CFS symptoms CCC.png 550 × 550; 135 KB
ME-CFS mitochondria Australia.jpg 1,272 × 846; 132 KB
ME-CFS-sicknottired.png 1,800 × 1,800; 540 KB
Mitochondrion.png 350 × 286; 115 KB
Newspaper pile.jpg 1,200 × 733; 172 KB
Newspapers-mug.jpg 1,200 × 800; 214 KB
Pacing-me-cfs.png 750 × 624; 105 KB
Potassium-gluconate.png 512 × 300; 95 KB
Red-protection-padlock.svg 512 × 512; 2 KB
Screen Shot threeDiscussionPageOptions.png 345 × 65; 17 KB
Screenshot visualeditor pageoptionsicon.png 155 × 95; 10 KB
Semi-protection-shackle.svg 512 × 731; 1,016 bytes
SevereChronicFatigueSyndrome-Wheelchair.jpg 650 × 433; 112 KB
Signs and symptoms of hypothyroidism.png 300 × 272; 66 KB
Symptoms of influenza.svg 1,200 × 1,050; 1.14 MB
Test Template Info-Icon - Version (2).svg 1,792 × 800; 8 KB
Toxic-positivity-chronicillness.png 800 × 800; 105 KB
What-is-Myalgic-Encephalomyelitis-ME-ICC.png 550 × 550; 145 KB
Working-memory-en.svg 608 × 371; 13 KB