Category:Images used with permission
From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
These file have been uploaded with the creator's permission. Files in this category may be photos or website logos uploaded only for use on the MEpedia page of the image's creator. Copyright status is unknown.
They may not be licensed for others to reuse. See MEpedia:Copyright policy for more information. If you want to reuse an images then please check the history of the image for the creator's details, and ask their permission.
- See also MEpedia:Copyright policy
Pages in category "Images used with permission"
This category contains only the following page.
Media in category "Images used with permission"
The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total.
Bananas.jpg 640 × 426; 25 KB
Chronically Hopeful Char Profile Pic.jpg 817 × 817; 174 KB
Comorbids & Overlapping Conditions of Fibromyalgia.JPG 751 × 420; 45 KB
Comorbids of Fibro.JPG 755 × 429; 45 KB
Dorsal Root Ganglion.JPG 788 × 441; 109 KB
Eddy 02 - Glossy.png 600 × 813; 498 KB
Fibro comorbids.JPG 754 × 420; 44 KB
Lemon balm herbal tea.jpg 1,280 × 899; 235 KB
Logo.jpg 1,500 × 500; 53 KB
Mecfshand0.jpg 1,653 × 1,005; 269 KB
PK11195.gif 440 × 379; 48 KB
Rosa SEID.JPG 144 × 152; 12 KB