Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Guide to the Homeopathic Treatment of CFS/M.E.

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Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Guide to the Homeopathic Treatment of CFS/M.E. by Diane L Solomon.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: A Guide to the Homeopathic Treatment of CFS/M.E.
Author Diane L Solomon
Country UK
Language English
Subject Homeopathy and CFS/ME
Genre Diseases & Physical Ailments
Publisher Eloquent Rascals
Publication date
Media type Print and digital
Pages 218
ISBN 978-0990709428

Publisher's synopsis[edit | edit source]

(This synopsis was provided by the publisher for promotional purposes. For book reviews, please see Links section below.)

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, CFS, CFIDS, Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (M.E.,) Post viral syndrome. So many names, so many symptoms, so much suffering. With all the years, all the struggles for recognition, and all the research performed, there is still no cure, and little offered by orthodox medicine for this scourge. But there is help from homeopathy. The author, trained at the renowned British Institute of Homeopathy, was herself a CFS patient for more than seven years, but found her way back to full and glorious health through homeopathic medicine. Having practiced for more than 20 years, she has guided hundreds of CFS patients to recovery and well-being. This book does not pretend to be the be-all or end-all book on CFS, with regard to research, orthodox treatment, etc. There are many high-quality books that lay out the history, symptomatology, CDC definition and treatment protocols, and possible alternative treatments. She provides an overview of these areas. However, few of these books touch on homeopathy in any in-depth way. Diane knows, having worked with many CFS sufferers, that homoeopathy is vital, a powerful addition to the treatment plan. And sometimes, she discovered, for herself and for many of her clients, it provides a dramatic cure. This book will help hundreds or thousands more!

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