Chronically Hopeful

About The Blog[edit | edit source]
Chronically Hopeful is a blog about life with ME/CFS. Raising awareness, offering encouragement, practical tips and personal experience to help people with ME, especially newly diagnosed patients, adjust to their new normal.
The blog covers 4 main categories:
- Chronic Life - Awareness posts, daily life at home, practical tips
- Nemo's Kitchen - How dietary changes have improved symptoms and quality of life (specifically low histamine, keto)
- Faith Notes - Christian encouragement and thoughts on scripture
About The Author[edit | edit source]

Char is based in the UK and has been housebound with Severe ME/CFS since 2015. She is ever hopeful about the future for people with ME and is passionate about raising awareness and helping others. She hopes to encourage people with chronic conditions, let them know they are not alone, sharing not only her own experience on the blog, but also featuring guest posts by others, as she believes there is power and purpose in sharing our personal stories.
Online presence[edit | edit source]
She also runs a community for ME/CFS bloggers and content creators. A place where people with ME can find and share each others content.