Frans Visser

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Prof. dr. F.C. (Frans) Visser is a Dutch cardiologist and researcher.[1] He studied Medicine at the Leiden University and graduated in 1977. His cardiology training was in VU Medical Center (VUMC) Amsterdam, Netherlands, and registered as a cardiologist in July 1982. Cardiologist and Professor by special appointment at VUMC in Amsterdam, and acting tutor at the cardiology A study at VUMC. An university lecturer Chair regarding myocardial metabolism in cardiac failure. Since 2008 working in the independent treatment center Cardiozorg, Hoofddorp. Initially cooperating with the CFS/ME Medical Center in Amsterdam, an area of interest arose alongside cardiology in chronic fatigue syndrome.

His research interests include exercise limitation, orthostatic intolerance, and dysautonomia.[1]

Advocacy[edit | edit source]

Open letters[edit | edit source]

Notable studies[edit | edit source]

Clinic location[edit | edit source]

  • Stichting Cardio Zorg, Hoofddorp, The Netherlands[1]

Online presence[edit | edit source]

Talks and interviews[edit | edit source]

See also[edit | edit source]

Learn more[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Over ons | Stichting Cardio Zorg" (in Nederlands). Retrieved September 13, 2019.
  2. Vermeulen, Ruud CW; Kurk, Ruud M; Visser, Frans C; Sluiter, Wim; Scholte, Hans R (2010). "Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome performed worse than controls in a controlled repeated exercise study despite a normal oxidative phosphorylation capacity". Journal of Translational Medicine. 8 (1): 93. doi:10.1186/1479-5876-8-93. ISSN 1479-5876.
  3. Olimulder, M. A. G.M.; Galjee, M. A.; Wagenaar, L.J.; van Es, J.; van der Palen, J.; Visser, F.C.; Vermeulen, R. C.W.; von Birgelen, C. (December 2016). "Chronic fatigue syndrome in women assessed with combined cardiac magnetic resonance imaging". Netherlands Heart Journal. 24 (12): 709–716. doi:10.1007/s12471-016-0885-8. ISSN 1568-5888. PMC 5120006. PMID 27561279.
  4. van Campen, C. (Linda) M.C.; Visser, Frans (November 2018). "The Abnormal Cardiac Index and Stroke Volume Index Changes During a Normal Tilt Table Test in ME/CFS Patients Compared to Healthy Volunteers, are Not Related to Deconditioning". Journal of Thrombosis and Circulation. 107. doi:10.29011/JTC-107.000007.
  5. Visser, Frans C.; Rowe, Peter C.; van Campen, C. (Linda) M. C. (2018). "Blood Volume Status in ME/CFS Correlates With the Presence or Absence of Orthostatic Symptoms: Preliminary Results". Frontiers in Pediatrics. 6. doi:10.3389/fped.2018.00352. ISSN 2296-2360. PMID 30525014.
  6. Campen, C. (Linda) M. C. van; Visser, Frans C. (2018). "Blood Volume Status in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Relation to Complaints". International Journal of Clinical Medicine. 09 (11): 809–819. doi:10.4236/ijcm.2018.911067. ISSN 2158-284X.
  7. Visser, Frans C.; Rowe, Peter C.; van Campen, C. (Linda) M. C. (2018). "Low Sensitivity of Abbreviated Tilt Table Testing for Diagnosing Postural Tachycardia Syndrome in Adults With ME/CFS". Frontiers in Pediatrics. 6. doi:10.3389/fped.2018.00349. ISSN 2296-2360. PMID 30505831.
  8. van Campen, C (Linda) MC; Riepma, Klaas; Visser, Frans C. (September 20, 2019). "Open Trial of Vitamin B12 Nasal Drops in Adults With Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Comparison of Responders and Non-Responders". Frontiers in Pharmacology. 10: 1102. doi:10.3389/fphar.2019.01102. ISSN 1663-9812.
  9. van Campen, C. (Linda) M.C.; Verheugt, Freek W.A.; Rowe, Peter C.; Visser, Frans C. (February 8, 2020). "Cerebral blood flow is reduced in ME/CFS during head-up tilt testing even in the absence of hypotension or tachycardia: A quantitative, controlled study using Doppler echography". Clinical Neurophysiology Practice. 5: 50–58. doi:10.1016/j.cnp.2020.01.003. PMC 7044650. PMID 32140630.
  10. van Campen, C. (Linda) M.C.; Rowe, Peter C.; Visser, Frans C. (June 2020). "Cerebral Blood Flow Is Reduced in Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients During Mild Orthostatic Stress Testing: An Exploratory Study at 20 Degrees of Head-Up Tilt Testing". Healthcare. 8 (2): 169. doi:10.3390/healthcare8020169.
  11. van Campen, C. (Linda) MC; Rowe, Peter C.; Visser, Frans C. (June 2020). "Two-Day Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Females with a Severe Grade of Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Comparison with Patients with Mild and Moderate Disease". Healthcare. 8 (3): 192. doi:10.3390/healthcare8030192.
  12. van Campen, C. (Linda) MC; Rowe, Peter C.; Visser, Frans C. (October 12, 2020). "Reductions in Cerebral Blood Flow Can Be Provoked by Sitting in Severe Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Patients". Healthcare. 8 (4): 394. doi:10.3390/healthcare8040394.