Lillebeth Larun

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Lillebeth Larun is a researcher and health reviewer in Norway with an interest in chronic fatigue syndrome.[1] Larun is affliated with the Norwegian Institute of Public Health and author of Cochrane Collaboration reviews for exercise therapy in patients with CFS.[2]

Talks and interviews[edit | edit source]

Notable studies[edit | edit source]

More recent version published in 2018 but also withdrawn
Most recent version is from 2019
  • 2018, Withdrawn: Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome (individual patient data)[6]

PhD thesis on Chronic Fatigue Syndrome[edit | edit source]

  • 2011, Kronisk utmattelsessyndrom. Kunnskap, aktivitet og utfordringer.[7]
Lillebeth Larun's theseis included three prior publications in support of the thesis, one of which used the PACE trial as a reference on support of her conclusion about exercise:
  • 2011 Finding the right balance of physical activity. A focus group study about experiences among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome.[9] (Abstract)

Exercise therapy[edit | edit source]

Larun's PhD involved a number of aspects of research into chronic fatigue syndrome, mostly in regard to the effects of exercise; she concluded chronic fatigue syndrome patients found exercise both enjoyable and beneficial, provided that it was guided by them and flexible.[7][9] In addition, she found no adverse effects, although this study relied on only a small number of patients, with either mild or moderate symptoms.[9]

Cochrane review controversy[edit | edit source]

Lillebeth Larun was lead author for the Cochrane Collaboration review of exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome, which has faced extensive calls for retraction from both scientists and patients, particularly after the publication of the PACE trial data that the influenced the conclusions. In addition to scientific complaints made by professionals including Professor James Coyne,[10] and by Robert Courtney, a patient with ME/CFS submitted a number of queries followed by a complaint containing a scientific critique of Larun et al's review,[11][12] focusing on how the methodology did not meet the Cochrane strict requirements.
A further controversy was the Cochrane Collaboration's decision to allocate the review to Cochrane's Common Mental Disorders Group, although it also appears in the neurological category.[13]

Online presence[edit | edit source]

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  • Website/Blog
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See also[edit | edit source]

Learn more[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. Norwegian Institute of Public Health. "Lillebeth Larun". Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Retrieved March 30, 2019.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Price, Jonathan R.; Mitchell, Edward; Tidy, Elizabeth; Hunot, Vivien (2008). "Cognitive behaviour therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome in adults". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (3): CD001027. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD001027.pub2. ISSN 1465-1858.
  3. Larun, Lillebeth; Odgaard‐Jensen, Jan; Brurberg, Kjetil G.; Chalder, Trudie; Dybwad, Marianne; Moss‐Morris, Rona E.; Sharpe, Michael; Wallman, Karen; Wearden, Alison; White, Peter; Glasziou, Paul P (2014). "Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome (individual patient data)". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (4): CD011040. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD011040. ISSN 1465-1858. PMC 6494520.
  4. Larun, Lillebeth; Brurberg, Kjetil G.; Odgaard‐Jensen, Jan; Price, Jonathan R. (2016). "Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews (2): CD003200. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD003200.pub4. ISSN 1465-1858.
  5. Larun, Lillebeth; Brurberg, Kjetil G.; Odgaard-Jensen, Jan; Price, Jonathan R (April 25, 2017). "Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 4 (4): CD003200. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD003200.pub7. ISSN 1465-1858.
  6. Larun, Lillebeth; Odgaard-Jensen, Jan; Brurberg, Kjetil G.; Price, Jonathan R (December 7, 2018). "Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome". Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 12: CD011040CD011040. doi:10.1002/14651858.CD011040.pub2. ISSN 1465-1858. PMC 6517214.
  7. 7.0 7.1 Larun, Lillebeth (September 2011), Kronisk utmattelsessyndrom. Kunnskap, aktivitet og utfordringer (PDF)
  8. Larun, Lillebeth; Malterud, Kirsti (December 2007). "Identity and coping experiences in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a synthesis of qualitative studies". Patient Education and Counseling. 69 (1–3): 20–28. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2007.06.008. ISSN 0738-3991. PMID 17698311.
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 Larun, Lillebeth; Malterud, Kirsti (May 2011). "Finding the right balance of physical activity: a focus group study about experiences among patients with chronic fatigue syndrome". Patient Education and Counseling. 83 (2): 222–226. doi:10.1016/j.pec.2010.05.027. ISSN 1873-5134. PMID 20580520.
  10. Coyne, James (April 23, 2016). "Probing an untrustworthy Cochrane review of exercise for "chronic fatigue syndrome"". Quick Thoughts blog. Retrieved October 17, 2018.
  11. Courtney, Robert (2016). "Concerns regarding the use of unplanned primary outcomes in the Cochrane review" (PDF).
  12. Courtney, Robert. "This is a formal complaint with respect to the current version of "Exercise therapy for chronic fatigue syndrome" by L. Larun et al. (Cochrane Database Syste Rev. 2017; CD003200.)" (PDF).
  13. "Search & Browse". Retrieved October 17, 2018.
  14. "Cochrane and conflict of interest". Retrieved October 17, 2018.