MEpedia:Article outlines
From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
Each of the following outlines is intended as a starting point and suggested structure for pages of each type. Copy-and-paste the outline into a new page you are creating to provide a framework to build on.
Editor's User Page[edit | edit source]
<!--brief description --> ==About me== ==My “To-do” list== ==Online presence== * Twitter * Facebook * Website * YouTube
Researcher / Doctor[edit | edit source]
{{NeedsImage}} ==Notable studies== ==Clinic location== ==Talks and interviews== ==Online presence== * PubMed * Twitter * Facebook * LinkedIn * Website * YouTube * Address: clinic/lab-address ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- * Outside articles: e.g. Wikipedia, news or interviews * Institution --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Researchers]] [[Category:COUNTRY NAME researchers]] [[Category:Clinicians]] [[Category:NATIONALITY clinicians]]
People with ME, CFS, and/or FMS / Advocates or allies[edit | edit source]
{{NeedsImage}} <!---brief description --> ==Talks and interviews== ==Online presence== * Twitter * Facebook * Instagram * LinkedIn * Website/Blog * YouTube ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- * Outside links: e.g. Wikipedia, news article or interview --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:People with ME, CFS, and/or FMS]] [[Category:NATIONALITY people with ME, CFS, and/or FMS]] [[Category:NATIONALITY famous people with ME, CFS, and/or FMS]] [[Category:Famous people with ME, CFS, and/or FMS]] [[Category:Advocates or allies]] [[Category:NATIONALITY advocates or allies]] [[Category:Psychological paradigm critics]] [[Category:PACE trial critics]] [[Category:Citizen scientists]] [[Category:COUNTRY researchers]]
Journalists, editors and publishers[edit | edit source]
==Articles == ==Talks and interviews== ==Online presence== * Twitter * Facebook * LinkedIn * Website/Blog * YouTube ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- * Outside articles: e.g. Wikipedia, news or interviews --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Journalists]] [[Category:Journal editors]] [[Category:News publishers]] [[Category:News editors]] [[Category:Journals]] [[Category:Psychological paradigm critics]] [[Category:Psychological paradigm proponents]] [[Category:PACE trial critics]] [[Category:PACE trial proponents]]
Patient Group/Charity[edit | edit source]
{{NeedsImage}} <!-- brief description --> ==Aims== ==Services== ==Notable people== ===Patrons=== ===Medical advisors=== ==Research/Notable studies== ==History== ==Funding== ==Interviews and articles== ==Online presence== * Website * Twitter * Facebook (group/page) * YouTube channel * Instagram * LinkedIn ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Outside articles: e.g. Wikipedia, news articles --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Patient groups]] [[Category:NATIONALITY patient groups]]
Research Group[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Notable people== ==Notable studies== ==Funding== ==Online presence== * PubMed * Twitter * Facebook * Website * YouTube ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Outside articles: e.g. Wikipedia, news, interviews *Institution --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Research initiatives]] [[Category:COUNTRY research initiatives]]
Organizations / Universities[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Notable people== ==Funding== ==History == ==Online presence== * PubMed * Twitter * Facebook * Website * YouTube ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Outside articles: e.g. Wikipedia, news articles --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Universities]] [[Category:COUNTRY universities]] [[Category:Organizations]] [[Category:COUNTRY organizations]] [[Category:COUNTRY government agencies]]
Medical Hypothesis[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Theory== ==Evidence== ==Treatment== ==See also== ==Learn more== ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Medical hypotheses]]
Potential Treatment / Mobile app[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Theory== ==Evidence== ==Clinicians== ==Risks and safety== ==Cost and availability== ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Outside articles: e.g. WebMD, Merck Manual,,, Memorial Sloan Kettering, or ScienceDirect --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Potential treatments]] [[Category:Alternative medicine]] [[Category:Analgesics]] [[Category:Anti-inflammatories]] [[Category:Antibiotics]] [[Category:Anticonvulsants]] [[Category:Antidepressants]] [[Category:Antiemetics]] [[Category:Antifungals]] [[Category:Antihistamines]] [[Category:Antioxidants]] [[Category:Antivirals]] [[Category:Calcium channel blockers]] [[Category:Cannabis-derived drugs]] [[Category:Central nervous system stimulants]] [[Category:Corticosteroids]] [[Category:Diets]] [[Category:Electrical and nerve stimulation]] [[Category:Fatty acids]] [[Category:Flavonoids]] [[Category:Health monitoring]] [[Category:Herbs]] [[Category:Immunomodulators]] [[Category:Immunostimulants]] [[Category:Management strategies]] [[Category:Mast cell stabilizers]] [[Category:Medicinal foods]] [[Category:Mind body treatments]] [[Category:Minerals]] [[Category:Mobile apps]] [[Category:Muscle relaxants]] [[Category:Opioids]] [[Category:Probiotics]] [[Category:Protocols]] [[Category:Psychological and behavioral therapies]] [[Category:Sleep aids and hypnotics]] [[Category:Supplements]] [[Category:Traditional Chinese medicine]] [[Category:Traditional Korean medicine]] [[Category:Vasoconstrictors]] [[Category:Vasodilators]]
Country[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Medical guidelines== ==National health department== ==Government health insurance== ==Private health insurance== ==Access to care== ==Social security and disability benefits== ==Patient charities== ==Research== ==Research groups== ==Researchers== ==Clinicians== ==Notable patients== ==See also== *[[List of myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome outbreaks]] ==Learn more== ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:North America]] [[Category:Asia]] [[Category:Africa]] [[Category:Europe]] [[Category:South America]] [[Category:Australia]] [[Category:COUNTRY]]
Infectious Agent[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==ME/CFS== ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Outside articles: e.g. WebMD, Merck Manual, or ScienceDirect --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Infectious agents]]
Trigger / Risk Factor[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==ME/CFS== ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Outside articles: e.g. WebMD, Merck Manual, or ScienceDirect --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Triggers and risk factors]]
Sign or symptom[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Prevalence== ==Symptom recognition== ==Notable studies== ==Possible causes== ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Outside articles: e.g. WebMD, Merck Manual, or ScienceDirect --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Allergy signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Aural signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Cardiac signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Cognitive signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Digestive signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Endocrine signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Energy production or transportation symptoms]] [[Category:Food intolerances]] [[Category:Genitourinary signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Immune signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Long COVID signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Muscular signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Neurological signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Ocular signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Oral signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Pain signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Post-exertional neuroimmune signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Psychological signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Pulmonary signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Sensitivity signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Sleep signs and symptoms]]
Biology: Body System, Anatomy, Genes, or Biochemistry[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Function== ==ME/CFS== ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Outside articles: e.g. WebMD, Merck Manual, or ScienceDirect --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Proteins]] [[Category:Genes]] [[Category:Enzymes]] [[Category:Body systems]] [[Category:Anatomy]] [[Category:Biochemistry and cell biology]]
Diagnostic Test[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Theory== ==Evidence== ==Subgroup== ==Cost and availability== ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Outside articles: e.g. WebMD, Merck Manual, or ScienceDirect --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Tests]] [[Category:Medical tests]]
Nutrient[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Purpose== ==Sources== ==Evidence== ==ME/CFS== ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Outside articles: e.g. WebMD, Merck Manual, or ScienceDirect --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Supplements]] [[Category:Vitamins]] [[Category:Minerals]] [[Category:Fatty acids]] [[Category:Amino acids]] [[Category:Sugars]]
Neurotransmitter / Hormone / Cell[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Purpose== ==Evidence== ==ME/CFS== ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Outside articles: e.g. WebMD, Merck Manual, or ScienceDirect --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Neurotransmitters]] [[Category:Hormones]]
Disease Name / Definition[edit | edit source]
<!-- Use only for alternative ME names and diagnostic criteria, add brief description --> ==Proposal== ==Comparison== ==Analysis== ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Definition online *Outside articles: e.g. WebMD, Merck Manual, PubMed book, or ScienceDirect --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Only ME or CFS criteria can be here, use [[Category:Diagnoses]] for others --> [[Category:Definitions]]
Diagnosis[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Signs and symptoms== ==Treatment== ==ME/CFS== ==Notable articles== ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- *Definition online *Outside articles: e.g. WebMD, Merck Manual, CDC, NHS, NORD, etc --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Potential comorbidities]] [[Category:Diagnoses]] [[Category:Allergy signs and symptoms]] [[Category:Autoimmune diseases and disorders]] [[Category:Autonomic nervous system disorders]] [[Category:Bacterial diseases]] [[Category:Cardiovascular diseases and disorders]] [[Category:Digestive diseases and disorders]] [[Category:Endocrine diseases and disorders]] [[Category:Genitourinary diseases and disorders]] [[Category:Infectious diseases]] [[Category:Language disorders]] [[Category:Mental disorders]] [[Category:Musculoskeletal diseases and disorders]] [[Category:Neurological diseases and disorders]] [[Category:Parasitic diseases]] [[Category:Potential comorbidities]] [[Category:Sleep disorders]] [[Category:Thyroid diseases]] [[Category:Viral diseases]]
Outbreaks[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> == Onset == == Symptoms == == Findings == == Epidemiology == == Prognosis == == See also == *[[Epidemic myalgic encephalomyelitis]] *[[List of myalgic encephalomyelitis and chronic fatigue syndrome outbreaks]] ==Learn more== <!-- Outside articles eg news reports, interviews --> == References == {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:History]] [[Category:Outbreaks]] [[Category:Outbreaks in the 20__s]] [[Category:Outbreaks in the 2020s]] [[Outbreaks in COUNTRY]]
Scientific Study[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> ==Funding== ==Results== ==Criticism== ==Investigators== ==See also== ==Learn more== ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Notable studies]]
Book[edit | edit source]
<!-- brief description --> {{Infobox book | name = | image = | caption = | author = | illustrator = | cover_artist = | country = | language = | subject = | genre = | publisher = | pub_date = | media_type = | pages = | isbn = | website = }} ==Background== ==Synopsis== ==Reception== ==Online presence== * Website * Twitter * Facebook * YouTube ==See also== ==Learn more== <!-- * Wikipedia, book publisher page, author interview or published book extract --> ==References== {{reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Books]] [[Category:English books]] [[Category:Memoir books]] [[Category:Self-help books]] [[Category:Non-fiction books]]
Film or TV[edit | edit source]
{{NeedsImage}} <!-- Description, including year of release and producer(s). --> <!-- Films only: if applicable! --> ==Trailer== {{clear}} <!-- TV series' only: if applicable! --> ==Pilot episode== {{clear}} ==Notable people== ==Awards== ==Reviews== ==Articles and blogs== ==Online presence== * Official website * Facebook * Twitter * Vimeo * YouTube ==See also== <!-- Suggested links: Only keep those that apply --> * [[Ethics]] * [[Stigma and discrimination]] * [[Medical neglect and abuse]] ==Learn more== * imdb ==References== {{Reflist}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Film]] [[Category:TV]]
Categories[edit | edit source]
This category contains articles about {{PAGENAME}}. <!--- optional main article.--> {{Main article|ARTICLE_NAME}} ==Please create these pages== ''You can add page requests here. Remove any blue links that have already been created.'' <div style="column-count:3"> * </div> ==Please expand these stub pages== {{StubPagesInCategory|{{PAGENAME}}|mode=inline}} <!-- Suggested categories: Only keep those that apply --> [[Category:Organizations]] [[Category:Educational institutions]] [[Category:Clinics]] [[Category:Research initiatives]] [[Category:Researchers]] [[Category:Clinicians]] [[Category:Advocates or allies]] [[Category:Politicians]] [[Category:Famous people with ME, CFS and/or FMS by country]] [[Category:Cardiology]] [[Category:Immunology]] [[Category:Endocrine system]] [[Category:Genetics]] [[Category:History]] [[Category:Neurology]] [[Category:Ethics]] [[Category:Diagnoses]] [[Category:Research studies]] [[Category:Neurotransmitters]] [[Category:Potential treatments]] [[Category:Genes]]