MEpedia talk:Deletion policy
From MEpedia
Suggestions (originally from Notjusttired) -- Pyrrhus (talk) 23:34, December 6, 2019 (EST)[edit source | reply | new]
- Clarify policy for people who want content removed, such as what we will remove (like photos that aren't licensed for reuse), simple corrections, and what we are unlikely to remove (such as entire pages about a researcher, important topics, links to relevant websites).
- Maybe have a heading for requesting deletion of a picture. (the person should check if the picture is in the Icons category)
- Should the page be blanked when it is added to the "Articles for deletion" category? Is there even an easy way to do this in the Visual Editor? Will this interfere with the administrator's review of the page deletion? What if people start blanking pages inappropriately, and the administrator has to "un-blank" them? (Remember that it is easy for an administrator to "un-delete" a page if the page deletion happens to break something.)
- The current page links to MediaWiki:Deletereason-dropdown and MediaWiki:Filedelete-reason-dropdown. Should these pages be transcluded instead?