MediaWiki talk:Spamprotectiontext
From MEpedia
Page update request[edit source | reply | new]
Once this feature is in use, change MediaWiki:Spamprotectiontext to the suggested message, without the "pre" tags:
The text you wanted to save was blocked by the spam filter. This is probably caused by a link to a blacklisted external site, which may have been a shortened link rather than the actual link. {{SITENAME}} has [[MediaWiki:Spam-blacklist|its own block list]]; however, most blocking is done by using a curated block list, so this block may not have been decided on by {{SITENAME}}. If you would like this text (or link) to be added to {{SITENAME}}'s [[MediaWiki:Spam-whitelist|allowed list]], so that users will not be blocked from adding it to pages, please make a request at [[MediaWiki talk:Spam-whitelist]]. An [[MEpedia:Administrators|admin]] will then respond with a decision as to whether it should be listed as allowed.