MediaWiki talk:TitleBlacklist

From MEpedia

Explanation[edit source | reply | new]

Recently deleted, but was created because it was referred to in Module:Effective protection level which is called indirectly by Template:Documentation. The module now has the blacklist code commented out. Please keep this talk page in case we decide to recreate the page. ~Njt (talk) 15:25, October 7, 2019 (EDT)

Njt Does this mean we should delete the page?
Pyrrhus (talk) 15:52, October 7, 2019 (EDT)
No, best to leave it up in case a future module references it, then we can find out what we did last time. Once you delete pages you can't search back to find out what you or others did last time, so I tend to leave them up with an explanation or describe things on the talk page. ~Njt (talk) 15:58, October 7, 2019 (EDT)

Sample blank content[edit source | reply | new]

# This is a title blacklist. Titles that match a regex here cannot be created.
# Use "#" for comments.
 .*index\.php.* #anti-spambot