Mike's EU Marathons

Mike Harley has committed to running a marathon in each of the 27 EU countries, in order to raise money for Invest in ME and biomedical research. The goal is to raise £42,195 to reflect the 42.195km in a marathon.
Mike's main motivation is to help a good friend, Ian, who has ME. During a different charity fundraiser in 2014, he had the opportunity to meet other ME patients and their families, which had such a profound effect on Mike that he launched into this more ambitious fundraiser.
Mike states: "I'm not a natural runner by any stretch, being an adopted Bristolian I love a drop of cider and it's fair to say I've had a relatively sedentary lifestyle having completed just 3 half marathons in the last 14 years (I did my first as a fresh faced 18 year old in London in 2001! UK is done, hurrah!) But I am extremely stubborn and whilst this is a hugely physically tough, time consuming and expensive challenge, it's one I'm completely committed to and for a cause to which I feel very connected to."[1]
For more info on his project as well as his progress, please see Mike's EU Marathons.[2]