From MEpedia
Uses Lua: |
Replaces matches of multiple patterns in a given string with given replacements. For each replacement instance, the pattern matching at the lowest position is chosen. If there are multiple such patterns, then the one specified earliest in the pattern list is chosen.
Usage[edit source]
MultiReplace| 1=MultiReplace | 2=input | 3=plain=yes (optional) | 4=pattern1 | 5=replacement1 | 6=pattern2 | 7=replacement2...
If plain=yes
is specified, then the patterns and replacements are treated as plain text, otherwise as Lua Unicode patterns.
Examples[edit source]
See also[edit source]
p = {}
local function MultiReplace(args)
local input = args[1] or "{{{1}}}"
local plain = args.plain == "yes"
local i = 1
local changeList = {}
while args[i * 2] do
local change = {pattern = args[i * 2], repl = args[i * 2 + 1]}
if not change.repl then
return require('Module:Error').error{
'MultiReplace: Unpaired argument: <code>' .. (i * 2) .. ' = ' .. change.pattern .. '</code>'
changeList[i] = change
i = i + 1
local matchList = {}
local pos = 1
local len = mw.ustring.len(input)
local result = ""
while pos <= len do
local bestStart = len + 1
local bestStop = len
local bestChange
for _, change in ipairs(changeList) do
local start, stop = mw.ustring.find(input, change.pattern, pos, plain)
if start and (start < bestStart) then
bestStart = start
bestStop = stop
bestChange = change
result = result .. mw.ustring.sub(input, pos, bestStart - 1)
if bestChange then
local fragment = mw.ustring.sub(input, bestStart, bestStop)
result = result .. (plain and bestChange.repl or
mw.ustring.gsub(fragment, bestChange.pattern, bestChange.repl, 1))
pos = bestStop + 1
return result
function p.main(frame, ...)
local args =
type(frame) ~= 'table' and {frame, ...} or
type(frame.args) ~= 'table' and frame or
frame.args[1] and frame.args or
return MultiReplace(args)
return p