Nooit Meer Moe

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history
Nooit Meer Moe
Author Dr Michael Maes
Country Netherlands
Language Dutch
Genre Health & Psychology & Self Help
Publisher Zorro Publisher
Publication date
Media type print
Pages 304 pages
ISBN 978-9461680013

Nooit Meer Moe (Tired No More; CFS Unmasked ) is a Dutch book by Dr Michael Maes.

Publisher's synopsis[edit | edit source]

(This synopsis was provided by the publisher for promotional purposes. For book reviews, please see Links section below.)

(Following is the English translation of publisher's synopsis.)

People suffering from chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS) are in 2011 still too often dismissed with the statement that their chronic fatigue and headaches can not be treated. Michael Maes was the first scientist who showed that ME/CFS is caused by infections that occur in the cell by a malfunctioning bowel. He claims his diagnosis on the basis of biological tests, while other doctors, as well as the CFS medical centers, still labeled this debilitating disease is as psychological.

Thus, he has unconditionally positioned on the side of the patient.

In this book he explains how ME/CFS arises in a simple way, what the causes are and how patients can be treated successfully. He also explains that the view of the government regarding CFS and treatment in the CFS reference centers have had very serious consequences for patients. Their problems are not adequately addressed and can become worse. InTired No More, Michael Maes gives not only a whole new outlook on ME/CFS, but he also tells his story as an international researcher. It is a story of rowing against the tide and the opposition, the government and other physicians and psychiatrists who treat the disease as an inevitable, untreatable and unattractive nuisance.[1]

Links[edit | edit source]

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