
From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

A watchlist is a list of pages that interest you. Your watchlist allows you to review all recent changes to pages that interest you. Your watchlist is not visible to other users.

Start your watchlist

When logged into your account, you can add to your watchlist by browsing through MEpedia to find articles you're interested in and clicking the star icon at the top of the page to add it to your "watchlist". You can browse the pages in MEpedia by using the main page or by reviewing the contents page.

Editing or creating a page may also add it to your watchlist.

View your watchlist

  • To view changes that people have made to the pages on your watchlist, just click on "Watchlist" on the top right of the screen or go to Special:Watchlist.
  • If you want to see a list of all the pages on your watchlist, click on the small link called "View and Edit Watchlist" at the top of the watchlist page or go to Special:Watchlist/edit.

Reviewing recently changed pages on your watchlist

To review changes that people have made to pages on your watchlist, click on "Watchlist" on the top right of the screen or go to Special:Watchlist.

Each line on the "Watchlist" page shows a recently changed page:

  • If you have not yet reviewed the changes to that page, the page name will show up in bold.
  • A bold "N" at the beginning of the line indicates that a page is new. You can click on the page name to review the new page.
  • For existing pages, you can click on the word "diff" or the word " changes" to see what has changed in that page.
  • If you see an arrow () at the very beginning of the line, it means that multiple edits have recently been made to that page. Simply click the arrow if you want to see all the recent edits. For each edit, you can click on the word "prev" to see what has changed in that edit.
  • To see the entire editing history of a page, you can simply click on the word "hist" or the word "history".

Note: Changes that are over two years old will not be listed on the watchlist page.

Watchlist settings and un-watching pages

You can adjust watchlist settings (for instance, if you don't want every page you edit to be added to your watchlist automatically) by going to "Preferences" (at the top of the page), then selecting the "Watchlist" tab:

  • This tab allows you to specify how many days in the past to look for changes, and the maximum amount of changes to be displayed on your watchlist page.
  • This tab also allows you to see a full list of pages you're watching: you can unwatch multiple pages at once if you'd like to trim your list. You can also unwatch pages individually by navigating to the page and simply clicking the same star icon you would click to watch the page.

The "User Profile" tab in your Preferences can be used to specify if you would like to receive an email when pages on your watchlist are updated.

See also

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