MEpedia:Recent changes

From MEpedia, a crowd-sourced encyclopedia of ME and CFS science and history

The Recent Changes page is a helpful way for editors to review changes made by other editors. Using this page, users can monitor and review all the recent changes made on MEpedia, allowing mistakes to be corrected and vandalism to be eliminated. There is a link to the recent changes page in the sidebar of each page, under "Links for editors".

Reviewing recent changes to MEpedia

The recent changes page lists all the changes to MEpedia that have been made recently. Each page that has changed is listed on a separate line. On each line:

  • A bold "N" at the beginning of the line indicates that a page is new. You can click on the page name to review the new page.
  • For changes to existing pages, you can click on the word "diff" or the word " changes" to see what has changed in the page.
  • If you see an arrow () at the very beginning of the line, it means that multiple edits have been made to that page. Simply click the arrow if you want to see all the edits. For each edit, you can click on the word "prev" to see what has changed in the edit.
  • To see the entire editing history of a page, you can simply click on the word "hist" or the word "history".

Note: If the changed page is currently on your watchlist, (including discussion pages) the page name will show up in bold.

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