ME/CFS Research Foundation

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ME/CFS Research Foundation is a non-profit organization founded in 2022.

The German volunteering organization is committed to more biomedical ME/CFS research (incl. post-COVID) with a focus on diagnostics and therapy research. The foundation's team of patients, relatives and committed supporters also promotes medical awareness and care for patients. A scientific advisory board of international ME/CFS experts supports the work, advises on the funding priorities for ME/CFS research and strengthens the scientific competence of the foundation.

Members of the scientific advisory board[edit | edit source]
  • Dr. Jeroen den Dunnen (Amsterdam UMC, The Netherlands - Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine (CEMM) / Immunologist and Principal Investigator)
  • Dr. Øystein Fluge (University of Bergen, Norway - Haukeland University Hospital / Senior Consultant at Dept. of Oncology and Medical Physics)
  • Prof. Eliana Lacerda (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK​ - Clinical Research Department / Clinical Assistant Professor, CureME Research Group – Research Leader)
  • Prof. Olav Mella (University of Bergen, Norway - Haukeland University Hospital / ME/CFS research group at the Department of Oncology and Medical Physics)
  • Prof. Nuno Sepúlveda (Warsaw University of Technology, Poland - Faculty of Mathematics and Information Science / Visiting Professor, Head of Immune-Stats Group)
  • Prof. Karl Johan Tronstad (University of Bergen, Norway - Department of Biomedicine, Tronstad Lab / Professor)
  • Dr. Francisco Westermeier (FH Joanneum University of Applied Sciences, Graz, Austria - Institute of Biomedical Science, Department of Health Studies / Senior Lecturer)
  • Prof. Pawel Zalewski (Nicolaus Copernicus University Toruń, Poland - Faculty of Health Sciences / Department of Exercise Physiology and Functional Anatomy / Associate Professor)

Research Support[edit | edit source]

The ME/CFS Research Foundation promotes biomedical research with a focus on basic and clinical research at universities in Germany (funding for other EU countries will follow later). The foundations activities include:

  • Promotion of networking and exchange, e.g. in the form of the international ME/CFS conference (Berlin, 2023). Further events are in preparation.
  • Making research transparent, e.g. with the ME/CFS Research Register (for experts and interested parties), the ME/CFS Research Update (for patients, relatives and the public) or the ME/CFS Symposium (Berlin, 2023).
  • Promotion of research projects: support of individual researchers, the establishment of basic ME/CFS research structures at universities, or doctoral scholarships (see the research funding strategy for more details). Example projects:
    • cell morphology, cell deformability and microclots in ME/CFS at the Institute of Medical Immunology at the Charité – University Medicine Berlin[1]
    • Post-COVID Kids Bavaria 2.0 at the Klinikum rechts der Isar of the Technical University of Munich (MRI TUM)[2]

Projects[edit | edit source]

ME/CFS Research Register: This register provides an overview of medical research on ME/CFS (Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome). It contains lists and detailed descriptions of research projects, working groups, publications, and scientific events. The register also links to people (researchers and clinicians), organisations, and research networks connected to ME/CFS research. Additionally, research areas and research types of past and ongoing research are linked to research projects, people and other elements of the register.

The scope of the ME/CFS Research Register (beta) currently includes research conducted in Germany and Austria. All content is provided in English. More countries will be added in the future, depending on our resources.

Online presence[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]